helping young people soar

life coaching designed for young people

Together, we establish what you want to achieve, techniques and support are personalised, so you can break through challenges and achieve your personal best, now and in the future.

Like academic or sporting coaching, my role as coach is to empower YOU by helping YOU identify and enhance YOUR talents so you can…

“Live life unconditionally……..lean into discomfort and grow!”


Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is your power to choose your response. In your response lies your growth and your freedom. 


Phoenix Plans

Plans are purpose designed yet share the same core function – to understand who you are today by recognising the imprint of your experiences, allowing your future to have a new tone, passion and trajectory.

teen phoenix

Being a teen is one of the most challenging phases of life – the pressure is endless – ARGGHH!! Mostly you feel like you should be smashing goals but instead you often feel like your days are ‘rinse / repeat’.

Here’s the thing …. You matter! You are NOT just a label. This is your time; to get up close and personal with the real you, to totally honour your uniqueness and be the best version of YOU!

young adult phoenix

So, you’ve navigated through your teens and left all those pressures behind, say hello to newfound freedom (YAY!). Life should just fall into place now, right???   Hmmm.

Except now you’re supposed to know who you are, what you stand for and what you’re ‘thing’ (AKA purpose / passion) is. Did I mention a new level of responsibility?

parent phoenix

It feels like yesterday you had this beautiful little person who ran to you whenever they needed help. You were the source of all knowledge. You could fix almost anything with a kiss, cuddle and some quality time.

And now you have this ever growing, ever hungry being living with you who can can either give one word answers or have a meltdown at any time. HELP!!!

a little bit about me

I’ve always been fascinated by human behaviour.

As a child I always felt different from my family so pretty much sought out anything that gave me a sense of ‘belonging’, which had its pros and cons.

As a young adult, I was a HR professional and worked for one of Australia’s biggest corporations. My responsibilities spanned across employee profiling, support and developmental agendas. You could say this is where my greatest coaching strengths matured – the ability to provide a ‘safe space’ for needs exploration and action planning.

Since saying goodbye to the corporate world, I’ve attained international certification as a coach and created Project Phoenix, with a mission to help young people find their identity and live what feels true to them, NOT by the external pressures experienced today.

I also work with parents to help them understand and support their kids through their transition into adulthood.

Having a young family, I’m totally impassioned by my new life and can honestly say I’m living the dream…. and it feels awesome!!!

If that’s not enough to inspire you to become a Phoenix – ask yourself this… could you see yourself opening up to me, because at the end of the day, choosing a coach is all about fit.



ICF accredited coach training through Authentic Education

Raise Logo


TAFE accredited mentor training through Raise.Org

PCM Logo


PCM certified – the communication tool used by NASA and PIXAR

Lean greenbelt


LEAN green belt –  structured problem solving tools


Focus your energy on what is within your control and allow the rest to happen, without anxiety or stress. Make sure your worst enemy does not live between your own ears. Find the wisdom in every experience to ignite the greatest version of you.  


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